Daemi Insurance

Daemi Insurance

Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK


Contact us


1305 Southwest 29th Street,
Oklahoma City , OK 73119 UNITED STATES

About Daemi Insurance

The residents of Oklahoma City, OK and surrounding areas in the zip codes of 73003, 73019, 73085, and 73020 are required by state law to have minimum liability insurance on their vehicles. Just like anyone else, they look for the coverage they need in the cheapest auto insurance possible so they meet state requirements without breaking their budget.

AndDaemi Insurance Groupis the team to help them do just that. We have insurance experts employed in our Oklahoma City OK office that know exactly what these clients are faced with and work to help them.

Life is expensive enough with all the other financial responsibilities that we all have today. There is no need to go in debt every month meeting the state requirement when there is cheap car insurance available. We will make sure all your state requirements and all requirements by your lender are met at a rate that is affordable.

Serving Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas: Norman 73019, Edmond 73003, Midwest City 73020, Yukon 73085

Business Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5:30pm

Visit: cheapcarinsuranceaction. com/oklahoma-city/


Daemi Insurance 405-604-9700
1305 Southwest 29th Street,
Oklahoma City , OK 73119 UNITED STATES
Daemi Insurance

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